As I write this blog, I'm not annoyed with the fact my co-worker has Sugar Ray playing on the radio. Normally, I am.
I was stuck in traffic, iPod out of juice, forced to listen to REO Speedwagon on Jack FM because I hate "morning shows."
Still, nothing can touch me today.
The reason is some wonderful person posted something on the Leftovers from City Hall blog about your's truly. He or she called him or herself "Friend of West Covina Watcher" and linked to this very site.
Like I've said before, not many people post on this blog, although I do get emails from concerned residents with tips and whatnot. So it's nice to see some person out there thinks enough of me to go to a blog A LOT of people read and give me a "shout out," as the kids say.
In doing that, however, I feel I have a bigger responsibility to be more up-to-date. Although, I wish I could track the number of people who visit this site. Does anyone know how to do that?
Tonight there's a lot to watch at the West Covina City Council meeting. There may be some drama considering the members will be looking at its $8 million deficit. Just a couple years ago, the members were touting the city's balanced budget and healthy reserve. Now, times seem less rosy. Could it be the economy? Absolutely. No one is safe from that. But who didn't see it coming? Economic times are always cyclical and when we saw the housing bubble get bigger, and bigger and bigger, we should have all known it was going to pop, and with that, the rest of the economy would have followed suit.
It doesn't take a financial genius like, say, WC Finance Director Thomas Bachman, to see this downturn coming. All you have to be is literate and occasionally watch the evening news.
Still, with no other backup plan, like federal and state grants, to fund Big League Dreams, we went and built it anyway. Is it fun? I'm sure it is. Personally, I won't let my kids play so close to a toxic landfill, but that's just me.
But it's too late to bitch about it now. Not enough people bitched about it before, and the council was so caught up in building a Legacy Project for Steve Herfert, they lost sight of what was sure to come. And why no warning from Mr. Bachman? I'll bet all the money in the bank his concerns came up but went ignored and he kept mum for fear of losing his job and that of his boss, City Manager Andrew Pasmant.
Speaking of Mr. Bachman, I can't shake the "Bueller, Bueller" monotone of his voice (Kids of the '80s should get that reference).
Anywho, also on tap is an ordinance that would track sex offenders via GPS. That is B-O-L-D to say the least. I believe this is a Touhey ordinance, but for once I can't really criticize him on it. Five years ago I would have said this is an obvious, blatant attack on the Bill of Rights and should go the way of the dodo (Kids of the '50s should get that reference).
But now I have children and I have to say my Number 1 fear of all fears (and that includes clowns) is pedophiles. I don't believe this ordinance will stand up in a court of law if some brazen rapist challenges it, but I have to commend Touhey for even trying.
Lastly, thank you for reading. Please...Don't be afraid to post messages!
Three words for you:
Never again will you trouble your ears with that putrid Jack format and crappy FM radio in general.
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